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Sunday, August 8, 2010


Reexamination of my life and its most charmed moments brings to forefront the enriching part music plays in it. Its absence sometimes leaves a dull, depressing silence, a gaping hole in my history. The soundtrack of my life, as is true of many, is quite rich, extensive and varied.

Realizing the power of music in my past to persuade, uplift, heal, empower, endanger, influence, etc., recently unlocked a measure of happiness for my present which for a few months I'd missed out on. I'd stopped using my CD players, tuning in on my satellite TV, or really listening to any music at all beyond a bit of radio in the truck. Then new friends reawakened that dormant, incredibly potent part of my world and measure upon measure of joy returned. In my opinion, no music utilizes this power better than sound spiritually themed, acoustic or orchestral pieces do. A peppy "get up and go" number moves my feet for about the length of the song, but a sweeping symphony, classic hymn or A Capella praise chorus resonates through my soul sometimes hours or even days later, impressing its glorious memory into the fabric of my spirit.

My kids ran about my home, cantankerously sparring and playing, filling that childish need for noise and busyness. When music returned to my life, harmony arose and those same children spent time hand in hand, dancing and crying out "Play it again, Mom!" Tickling and smiles increased. My house got cleaner as my feet moved to dishes and mopping, laundry and polishing much more readily to a favorite tune. The shower tiles sat through countless serenades.

Of late, my desire for enrichment and uplifting much increased, I've added new titles to my soundtrack and given my parents the gift of its return to our collective home as well. If you're a Facebook friend of mine, you can find some of these in my profile's music tab and perhaps even share enjoyment of a few together. Life's calling me away again. Hopefully my toes will tingle, skip and shuffle in answer. Many happy tunes to you.


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