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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cliche and Birthday

So...I'm living with my parents again (insert your cliche or joke here...thousands to choose from, take your best shot). Let's not make a big deal of it. We're in the best of hands and God is blessing the kids and me every day. Dad and Mom feed us silly and I dare not set foot on a scale but there are far worse things to gripe about.

Dominic's at day camp for Scouts with his dad and today is his 8th birthday. Please pull my fingernails out with pliers and let me spend the day I birthed my son playing games with him, fixing his fave breakfast (Veggie Tales shaped and colored pancakes, herbed mashed potatoes and apple juice - yes he gets his weirdness from me) and watching his birth video with him (don't worry, it starts a minute after the real gross stuff is done). Thankfully I have a brief window of time this evening to watch his graduation to Bear Scout and hug and kiss and embarrass him. What a gift from God he is! The glasses change his appearance so dramatically.

Please don't show up at my grandpa's house with pliers and a mischievous grin. I'm nice but I won't open the door. :)

Shoveling tiny bites of cheesecake (just because it was the only clear colored flavor...I hate stain treatments!) snow cone into my daughters' mouths next to Fort Scott's old fort today (at the farmer's market), under an unforgiving Kansas sun, I caught people helping one another. Three men ran at different times to catch the snow cone vendor's cups and hotdog wrappers rudely tossed by wind into the parking lot. Volunteers manning the police department booth slipped an extra balloon in my daughter's goody bag. The darling munchkin in the lavendar skirt and blouse clinging to her mother's sandaled feet made me smile.

Nothing gripping or clever in this post, just some yawn-inducing details of my life. A bit of the toe-digging present today. Hope to offer more soon...keeping my sanity somehow.

Until next time, V


  1. It was, and thank you for both your comments. :) God is good to me, every day. I hope you receive a special blessing today.
