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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


At last, another entry. There's been so much to say and not all my reasons for not saying them here can be attributed to busyness, but a great many can. Around the end of 2010, I still stood at this fork in my journey's road, and took a fresh new look around. So much weight in every step taken here, that I have had to carefully analyze each one. But I finally, despite how torn at times I've been about taking them, have edged slowly forward, turning on my road, moving ahead. Funny how big changes happen all at once, and at the turning of the year, no less. All sorts of opportunities and pieces have fallen into place, prayers answered, directions made clear.

A few major landmarks in this portion of my journey: A new job I so far love and am well-suited for, a childcare provider with excellent reputation and whose price, credentials, facility, etc. fit just what I hoped for, new programs at church that speak to my present needs, and a change of phone and soon, address (moving in with my little brother into my other brother's house by next weekend, I hope). Aglow with renewal and excitement, I face this stretch of life knowing I'm so very blessed, and firmly believing my heavenly Father has patted my head and kissed my cheek, nudging me gently on.

I'll make it a new goal to do this more often. Now, back to work (lunch break just finished) I go.


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