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Monday, July 11, 2011


So, today I gazed up while trudging under blazing sun across the parking lot at work, into a blue sky much like the one that just a few months ago framed giant snow drifts, and smiled. Strange how those smiles take more effort for me in such bright light and oppressive heat. No longer am I picking my way slowly in heavy boots, gingerly choosing one patch of icy ground after another, and yet, somehow still there's non-stop complaining all around me. All anyone can talk about (substitute snow or cold here just months ago) is the heat or humidity!

Together, shall we search high and low for a silver lining? Wonder how much time humanity has wasted on complaining about unchangeable conditions. How about...
"What a perfect day for a nice long swim."
"How convenient, driving on well-lit, dry streets!"
"This will really make me appreciate the fall and the rain."

Still, preachy as this may sound (apologies!), I'm always preaching at myself. Maybe I'm not saying it, but there's plenty I'm internally griping about or allowing to pull me down and it's all so selfish and indulgent. Dr. Valetta prescribes (to herself) a healthy dose of other people's problems, leading me to a fave quote from the late Vernon Roth: "There's a difference between sticking your nose in other people's business and your heart in their problems."

My dear friends James and Anna will be today's medicine. They with their large batch of offspring scrape by on very little this month under the Ugandan sun after rebuilding the roof on their church and purchasing a much-needed vehicle large enough for their family. Here I sit with a full, satisfied belly before my fan, hanging out on the net...yep, that does it for me. Outlook uplifted. Smile restored. :) more dose, for good measure. My dear, new friend, Julie, just lost her husband in a sudden heart attack. I was there the night she lost him and witnessed that look on his face when he realized something was terribly wrong. Still she handed out Kleenexes and offered comfort days later, holding her composure, peace and obvious strength like a queen. What are my problems compared to such devastation and what excuse have I to frown when Julie smiles?

I've taken my medicine; now I'm sure you have some of your own. Lord willing, you're sunny already, but if you need a dose, look around.

Happy Dreams and lots of Love to all my Readers. Many apologies for these long silences.

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