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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


An unfortunate byproduct of my life as an MK (missionary kid) will likely be my companion to the grave: Inconsistency. In many areas of my being I would hope those who know me can look and say "She's reliable, trustworthy and honorable; a woman of her word." Along with my stubborn will comes a strong determination to do what must be done and do it right. But plenty of things about me change constantly, and much that I wish and want and hope for, quickly drops away. For me I suppose the question to ask is: "Is this a negative or positive trait?"

The root cause, from what I can tell, is years of my development spent frequently moving from place to place, meeting new people, seeing exciting places and things, working and growing and learning in ever-changing circumstances and surroundings. It was wonderful and never dull, at least for me. These experiences stretched and strengthened and challenged me in valuable ways, and I wouldn't trade a-one for anything. But every lifestyle has its cons, and one of the cons here is the above-listed weakness.

I tried, a few years back, to start using a mother's organizer book, complete with calendar, address book, and many categories, pockets, etc. for keeping all my stuff in one easy-to-access place. It was a fantastic resource and smart idea (someone gave it as a gift), but lasted all of about 6 months to a year. Then I set it down and have rarely picked it (or a similar resource) up again. So so often I hear an idea and even try it but rarely does the passion that carried me there, stick around for all that long. Of some things, important things, this is not true. And I think there's my answer. Maybe it's not so bad to have trouble sticking with a lot of resolutions, ideas and impulses, because ultimately, those things aren't all important to my existence. Maybe this trait helps the unimportant drop away, frequently decluttering my mind and leaving it free to absorb something new.

My desk at work is so clean! I love having a place for everything at work - life without clutter is heavenly! One of the drawbacks to clutter is, there's insufficient space remaining for what really matters.

Still, when considering such vital things as training and disciplining my children, balancing my checkbook, or studying to increase in wisdom, my weakness of perpetual inconsistency won't pass as an excuse. These are things that cannot afford to drop away or be cast down by the wayside. Along every stretch of my life road, identifying and sticking with priorities is vital to a healthy and purposeful journey.

My mind begins to muddle more with each minute spent awake. So, I go.

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