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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tonight I ponder: Does declaring a day "bad" or "off" destine it to be so?

Today, after plaguing people at work incessantly with mistakes and forgetfulness that only added to their work loads, after tripping over boxes and platforms and things I normally walk around with ease, I answered the above question at least in part with, "Staying upbeat can't overcome every problem." Mind-numbing exhaustion still numbs the mind, low-blood sugar still slows and weakens, and chronic clumsiness still results in bruises and flaming cheeks, no matter how wide the smile or how loud the declarations of "My day is getting better by the minute." A friend recently observed to me, "You're not very kind to yourself." Often I associate such simple things as a long soak in the tub or an extra long sleep or a taste of chocolate as selfish things I must pay a fair amount of guilt for if I indulge in, but perhaps, being kind to yourself isn't the same as overindulgence, selfishness, or pride. It's treating the body and life God gave you with a fair amount of respect for its human needs.

Recently, I saw a Facebook friend's post on her guilt over getting a haircut now and then and recalled all the times I'd thought the same. Our bodies, the temple of God, should be cared for and presented well - part of finishing with excellence every day. On that thought, I leave you, Dear Reader, and off to bath and bed I go. Night night,

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